Nutrition Dynamic & That PCOS Coach Have Teamed Up To Provide Those Struggling With PCOS The Answers That The Doctors Refuse To Give:

Learn More About Managing Your PCOS Symptoms & Receive An Individualized 12-Week Nutrition, Fitness & Lifestyle Plan From Two Of The Nation’s Most Experienced PCOS Experts!

We Understand What You Are Going Through & We Want To Help:

Over 70% Of People With PCOS Feel Lost, Alone, Unsupported & Unhappy With The Care & Treatment Plans They Have Received

We’re Here To Change That!

Are you fed up with feeling lethargic, bloated, and emotionally drained? Does a simple meal out with friends turn into a stressful, anxious nightmare as soon as your PCOS symptoms flare up? 

Do you feel as though your doctor brushes you off at every appointment and simply doesn’t understand the struggles and emotional turmoil that you battle through on a daily basis? 

Are you sick and tired of hearing that you will always struggle to lose weight, or get pregnant? What if life didn’t have to be so doom and gloom? 

If you understood your chronic disease and were given the tools to better optimize your hormones, regulate your menstrual cycle, manage your blood sugar and improve your quality of life? 

If you received individualized support and guidance from qualified, weight-neutral, judgment-free providers? What if your PCOS no longer consumed you, and instead, was simply just something that made you stronger?

Together, we can help you make this your reality.

Conquering PCOS Is A 12-Week Health, 
Fitness & Lifestyle Program Designed To Give You The Evidence-Based PCOS Advice That You Need To Take Control Again!

Who Is Conquering PCOS For? 

Those who are struggling with PCOS symptoms, as well as those who want to increase their health and fitness level, and their overall quality of life. People from all walks of life have benefited from Conquering PCOS:
  • People of every age, race, and marital status
  • People who are hoping to get pregnant
  • People who are not hoping to get pregnant
  • ​Those who are battling with hormonal acne
  • ​Those who are struggling to drop a dress size (or two!)
  • ​People who do not yet know all of their treatment options
  • ​Those who do know of all their treatment options, but do not know where to begin
  • ​Those who have been battling with PCOS for years, and those who have been battling with PCOS for weeks
  • ​People from all walks of life, and a variety of professional backgrounds (entrepreneurs, coaches, teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers, artists, stay-at-home moms…)
  • ​People who suffer from Insulin Resistance PCOS, Post-Pill PCOS, Inflammatory PCOS & Adrenal PCOS

Hear What Your Fellow PCOS Fighters Have To Say


Charity is a client with PCOS who came in wanting to improve her overall health, to feel better physically and mentally, as well as work towards fertility. Within the first month of working together we were able to get her period back, and improve so many of her health markers. I am excited to see what the future holds for her. Here is what she has to say:

“Before my program I was always tired and found it hard to get motivation to get up and be active. I was very unhappy with myself. My stomach constantly was upset to the point I just thought it was normal. I thought I was fine until my last set of labs came back with elevated A1C, high cholesterol and elevated liver enzymes and knew that I couldn’t let myself get worse.

When I found you on TikTok I had a new found hope. I didn’t know that I could work with you directly but I felt I needed to try because you could be the person that changed my life. I have learned just how unhealthy I was eating and exactly what to feed my body. How to be more confident. That yoga and meditation is extremely important and helps my anxiety tremendously. 

Life now is nothing how I imagined. I am so proud of myself and I have the motivation to keep going and get even better. I feel like my eyes have been opened because I did not think there would be as big of a difference this soon.

I would tell someone that is considering working with you that you have literally changed my life. I had my doubts at first but I was willing to give anything a try. You helped me believe I could and keep me motivated to keep going. I look forward to our biweekly meetings because you always make me feel heard.”


This is my client Randi, who is an amazing social worker that came to me wanting to manage her PCOS. She’s struggled with her weight, hirsutism, loss of motivation and poor energy. In just one month we were able to change a lot of things around for her. She even glows differently these days.

We’re working on improving nutrition that is specific to her needs, individualized supplementation, and lots of parasympathetic activities such as walking, yoga, and meditation. Our goal is to help her conceive as we continue to work on her hormone balance and improve fertility.

Randi is such a special client and I have truly loved watching her evolve. I’m sure there are days where this process has felt hard for her, but she has pushed through and is a true fighter. I couldn’t be more proud. The best is yet to come!


Lindsey is a PCOS & Hypothyroidism client who came to me struggling with her weight, fatigue, hirsutism, and even digestive issues. She was also struggling with daily headaches and feeling immense fatigue after meals. We worked together on nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle, and dove into some lab work.

We uncovered her food sensitivities that were causing the headaches and intense fatigue post meals. We also was able to dive into her sex hormones, androgens, and adrenals. Lindsey is working diligently to manage stress levels that are contributing to her PCOS symptoms.

In just a short time she has been able to reverse a lot of symptoms, understand why she was struggling with her health concerns, and has a clear plan going forward!

Lindsey is hands down one of the hardest workers I’ve met. She came into the process with an open mind, trusted me, and is now taking control of her health and PCOS. I am SO proud of you Lindsey!


To be honest, I thought it was impossible for me to manage my PCOS. I remember feeling helpless and defeated thinking this is how I’m going to live for the rest of my life. It wasn’t until several months ago, Letisha popped up on my FYP (For you page) on TikTok. She had really good content and thus begun following her. After following her for a long while, she gave me hope that I can get help and can manage my PCOS. That I don’t have to live so miserably. I learned so much from her during my time with her.

When working with her, I noticed some changes. I was not feeling tired all the time, thus less naps, increased energy, improved nutrition, and I no longer consumed caffeine. I also noticed I was genuinely feeling good on the inside due to all the nutrition I’m putting in my body. My mindset has changed and started applying boundaries. I’m so thankful for Letisha as well as my family & friends for encouraging me!"

There Is A Light At The End Of Your Tunnel

We Promise!

Perhaps you have already read countless PCOS self-help books in an attempt to further educate yourself, and take control of your health, energy levels, bloating, sleep patterns, overall fitness, and lifestyle. The problem is…

While you intellectually understand what PCOS is, you don’t know how to manage it, or how to create the welcomed change that you need to see in your life. 

That’s where our 12-week program comes in! While anyone can give you tips and tricks to help reduce your bloating, or temporarily “boost” your energy levels, these things will only ever act as band-aids… True PCOS management must be cultivated from the inside out.

Inside Conquering PCOS, Nutrition Dynamic & That PCOS Coach will give you their combined expert opinion on how to reduce PCOS symptoms, such as:

We do this by listening to your story, understanding your individual needs, and utilizing holistic health approaches.  

Who Are Nutrition Dynamic?

We are health, weight loss, and PCOS experts who have a bone to pick with the healthcare professionals who don’t provide enough support for those struggling with PCOS. 

What Do We Do?

We offer a dynamic health, fitness, and PCOS coaching experience with an emphasis on creating an environment based on trust, opportunity, and positive change. We’re not here to tell you what to do and when to do it…

Together, we hope to create a fitness, health, and PCOS plan that works for YOU and YOUR lifestyle and fulfills all of your needs. Whether you want to: 
  • ​Better manage your PCOS symptoms
  • ​Shed stubborn fat
  • ​Or BOTH...
We’re here to give you the advice, guidance, and support that you need to increase your quality of life, reach your fitness and lifestyle goals, and show PCOS who’s boss!

Hear From 'That Pcos Coach'

Co-Captain Of The Conquering PCOS

My Name Is Letisha Bates

It’s SO nice to finally meet you!  And can I just start by saying… You are amazing. As a fellow PCOS fighter myself, I wholeheartedly understand the emotional, mental and physical stress that your body puts you through every single day… And you’re still here, doing your thang! You go, girl! 

Hey There Fellow PCOS Fighter!

I want to start by telling you a little bit about me. I’m a Tennessee girl, wife to a merchant mariner, and blessed Mom of two devilishly handsome boys (and naked cats!)

I’m also a Registered Health Coach, Certified in Holistic Nutrition and Weight Loss For Women, and the chair of the Awareness Committee on the Patient Advisory Board at PCOS Challenge, the largest PCOS nonprofit organization. 

My personal health, fitness, and PCOS journey started in 2014. I had just given birth to my second son and had reached my heaviest weight - 230lbs. I was no stranger to being a little on the “bigger” side and had struggled with weight gain, yo-yo dieting, and toxic meal replacement gimmicks since age 12. 

At age 14, I began my 10 year battle with bulimia. Fast forward to age 23, I was diagnosed with PCOS which simply added to my fight to become healthy, fit, and happy inside of my own body. At that time, I didn’t really know all that much about PCOS...

Other than the fact that it made losing weight feel next to impossible!

And so, my toxic relationship with unsustainable and dangerous weight loss fads continued. I tried pills, lotions, potions, pre-made meals, 100 calorie snack packs, joining the gym, and fell for every “lose weight in 7 days” ad that I saw. 

The result? I would always lose a little, then gain a lot. 

I was truly overwhelmed with the contradicting information online, the lack of support from my healthcare provider, and my PCOS hormones made every setback that little bit harder to absorb. After another failed fad diet attempt and a few days of feeling sorry for myself, one day, I finally decided to make a commitment to myself: 

“This year, I will treat losing weight as a lifestyle change, not a quick 7-day fix.”

This was at the start of 2014. I cleaned up my diet (which doesn’t necessarily mean giving up all of your favorite foods,) and became more active by taking short walks in the park. Eventually, I fell in love with this lifestyle. I trained multiple times a week, lost 100lbs, and eventually went on to become an athlete. 

Problem solved - right? PCOS cured - right? 


Believe it or not, losing weight, eating a clean diet, and exercising multiple times a week actually made my PCOS... worse. And that, for me, was a tough pill to swallow. Even harder than those ginormous “tummy tea” ones!

Again, I felt as though I was back to square one. However…
Once I’d had a breakdown (or three) and had accepted that weighing less doesn’t actually solve anything, I began learning how to balance my hormones in a natural way and embarked on my own healing process. 

It was certainly a learning curve. But over the last 7 years, I’ve had multiple “lightbulb moments” when it comes to PCOS. So much so that, now, I am happy, healthy, and living my best (unbloated) life 99.9% of the time. 

Today, I’m ready to share my successes with you and hand you the strategies that I have personally used to reduce typical PCOS symptoms (that I was NEVER made aware of by any healthcare professional.) I am living the life I used to wish for, and I want to help you do the same.

I Will NOT Dismiss You. I Will NOT Misinform You. I Will NOT Allow You To Fight This Battle Alone.

Is This Program For You?

Conquering PCOS is for you if…
  • You’re craving more control of your body and its functions
  • You’re ready to go beyond conventional PCOS treatment
  • You’re ready to invest in yourself and the future that you could have
  • You understand that this program may not cure you but can help you reduce the PCOS symptoms that you are battling on a daily basis

Here’s What You Can Expect From This 12-Week Program:

Weekly Coach Response & 
Plan Updates If Indicated

Our Starter Supplement Bundle Geared Towards Helping You Manage Your PCOS Symptoms
Dutch Complete Hormone Lab Test With A 60min Review

A Personalized Nutrition, Lifestyle, Fitness, & Supplementation Plan To Follow Across The 12-Week Period (& Beyond!)
Weekly Evidence-based 
PCOS Education Sessions Where You Are Welcome To Join Discussions & Ask Questions
12 Weeks Of Group Coaching Centered Around PCOS (With An Optional Additional 12 Weeks)

Numerous PCOS, Health, And Fitness Resources
24/7 Access To Our PCOS Community

PCOS Does NOT Have To Dictate Your Life - The Power To Take Back The Reins Is Now Officially In Your Hands:


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with me and everyone else! It’s unbelievable if you just learn how to feed your body what you can do! I honestly don’t think I’d be here if it wasn’t for what you taught me!" (PCOS Client who tried to conceive for 2.5 years and got pregnant in 8 weeks of working together) 


“Lots of information to help make decisions that are best for you and your body. You’re not just being told no and told to restrict your diet. You get told how things function and you can see why things need to be tweaked i.e. nutrition, activity levels or types, and mental mindset.”


“A holistic approach to learning how to manage your PCOS and your mindset along the way! It’s about more than just a meal and a workout plan. I really felt I was able to take time to connect with myself again and really learn what’s best for me and my wellbeing.”


“I felt like you knew me and exactly what I needed just for me. This was a blessing for me. I needed to see that there was something out there for me to help me get my life back on track. Your support from the beginning means so much. I feel like not only was this physically beneficial, it is a part of my healing process of things I’ve been through in life. The information alone from your knowledge has been amazing in helping me understand PCOS a lot better than I even thought I did. Before it was so confusing and you broke it down in terms I could understand. Every time I had a question you were there. Thank you for everything.”


“The program focuses on the clients mental well-being as well as their physical well-being. This program is a holistic approach to mindset, dietary, and exercise changes that lead to a healthier lifestyle for women with PCOS. Each module provides the client with information to help make permanent healthy changes for PCOS.”


“This program will greatly help people who are newly diagnosed with PCOS. If you’re feeling isolated, lost, overwhelmed; this program will most likely answer almost every question you might have. It will break down and simplify just about every aspect of PCOS. Letisha is with you every step of the way. She also helps you to dig a lot deeper and maybe even unpack some things because it's all relevant.”

Learn How To Work With Your PCOS Symptoms - Not Against Them - & Balance Your Life, Fitness, Health & More With A Well-Rounded, Holistic Approach To Living!

*Places are limited and in high demand. Please enroll in the first instance to avoid missing out:
© 2021 Nutrition Dynamic  
© 2021 That PCOS Coach
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